How can I see copies of previous Taught Masters thesis/dissertation in my subject field to get a better understanding of structure and layout?


There is no mandate to submit taught Masters theses to the library. Some, but not all, UL academic departments voluntarily deposit them with the library and you can look up both print and electronic theses as follows:

  1. Search the UL Research Repository (ULRR) for a thesis, or browse by thesis type or faculty from within the e-thesis collection
  2. Search the library catalogue by author, title, supervisor or degree and, filter by Resource Type ‘Theses’, to retrieve relevant theses held in hard copy in the library and electronically in the open access University of Limerick Research Repository (ULRR).
  3. You can submit a request to view the hardback thesis.

If you are unable to locate theses for your particular subject, check with your Course Leader or Departmental Administrator. Academic departments may decide to retain recent theses themselves to facilitate student access.

The library no longer accepts taught masters theses into its collections. There are a limited number of Masters-level theses available in the University of Limerick Research Repository(opens in a new tab).

  1. Check the UL Research Repository (ULRR) for a thesis

  2. Select  “Groups” on the homepage

  3. Select “University of Limerick theses”

  4. Elect “Taught Masters” to view the collection of Taught dissertations.



  • Last Updated Jan 22, 2025
  • Views 20
  • Answered By Helen Enright

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