How can I see copies of previous Research Masters/PhD thesis/dissertation in my own subject field to get a better understanding of structure and layout?
The Graduate School is responsible for submitting all research Masters/ PhD theses to the library. Since 2010, all research-based theses must be submitted in both print and electronic format in accordance with the Handbook of Academic Regulations & Procedures section 5.2 Thesis Specifications appendix 2
To find previous theses in your subject:
- Search the library catalogue by author, title, supervisor or degree and, filter by Resource Type ‘Theses’. This will retrieve relevant theses held in hard copy in the library and electronically in the open access University of Limerick Research Repository (ULRR). You can submit a request to view the hardback theses online through your student account.
- You can search the ULRR directly for a specific thesis, browse by thesis type from our E-thesis collection, or by faculty from the ULRR homepage.