What do I do if a book/article is not available in the Library?
Please read our updated Interlibrary Loans LibGuide for detailed information. We would recommend good practice by double checking the Library catalogue before proceeding. If you cannot find the item, then your options are: · Requests for articles and book chapters only can be done online through our catalog search,ILL Book chapter and Article request · Requests for books is done through Clio, or at Requesting books from ILL. You can then proceed to fill out your request.
Please note when requesting an Inter-library loan item, please be as detailed as possible.
· Enter Title (Book or Journal article)
· Enter Author
· Insert Publication Year (if known) - this means the year the item was published
· Inset Page numbers e.g. 1-10 (book chapter)
· Agree to copyright rules Any queries you can email interlibraryloans@ul.ie for further assistance.